Tears scalded my cheeks. From my lips crept a sigh,
That misery so embraced this man. I wondered why
He teetered on survival’s corridor, only to, in shame, die:
Despair pummeled him until he fainted and fell!
To appease hunger, his muscular fruits he had to sell!
I tell this, while he lived, he daily swam in hell!
Cold concrete was his bed – he wasn’t friends with any bill!
As fevers shook him, his fingers could reach no pill!
Now a morsel, later a crumb, he never had a fill,
Now heat tortures, later cold punishes – at will.
This is the tale of a man with no blame at all,
He looked up to hope. Ah, his dreams were tall!
But his feeble aspirations crashed at a brick wall,
Never ascended, never rose, ever suffering a fall!
Written by: Kunle Omope
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson