Words Rhymes & Rhythm


Read Time:2 Minute, 38 Second

Life Loom
www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [Life Loom]
The journey starts
A child is born!

A bundle of joy;
Tender, innocent and helpless!
Who would believe that this one
Had been at the loom in times past?

Pretty baby,
Sickly baby,
Leader of tomorrow,
Or, down-trodden in sorrow;
Who knows?

The music starts:
For one, melodious tunes
Beautiful dance steps
Affluence all the way!
The other, groaning,
Pain, hunger, sorrow
The order of the day.

Potpourri of experiences.
What ever!

Back to the one at the loom
The yarn, yes the warp and weft
Were all his to weave for himself
The fabric he desired

Left, right, he throws the shuttle
The colors, the tones, the designs
All his choice to make.
Beautiful or ugly,
This fabric he must adorn thereafter!

Miranda Ese Ogboru was born over forty years ago in Ughelli Delta state to Mr. and Mrs. Chris Omeben as the second in a family of seven children. My father`s job as a police Officer necessitated my being moved from one state to another.

I attended Ireti Girls School Ikoyi Lagos for my primary education and had my secondary education at Comprehensive High School, Ayetoro Ogun State, and Girls High School Awkunanaw Enugu. I obtained a BA (Ed) from Delta State University in 1987; haven majored in Texile Design and Technology.
I am married to Shedrach Ogboru and we have 4 lovely Heaven-sent kids – 3boys and a girl, all of whom I am very proud!
Apart from designing fabrics and exporting them, I have never worked in my area of discipline.
My working experiences have been in the oil service industry and fishery. I am now into full time business as well as freelance writing for Niger Delta Standard and Urhobo Times including their online editions.

I have always loved writing songs and poems. My first poem (Little Lovely Flower) inspired by a floral arrangement was written in 1999. Since then, I have written several poems and tributes, some of which have been read at children’s, youths, and other events.
My works have also featured in the Grail World magazine several times.
I have a page on Facebook – Book of Miranda – which has been on hold for a while now; this is because I have had to go back to the drawing board in order to present an in-depth view on various issues of life alongside poetry.
Presently, I am now working on publishing my works.

Ma’am Miranda Ese Ogboru is one of our most active female warriors that have helped oiled the wheel of progress of Words Rhymes and Rhythm, staying true to the cause from the time of our humble beginnings.
She’s contributing her own quota to the success of the family. Her patient acceptance of criticisms of her work makes it hard to believe that she has so much experience and has conquered so many calendars.
The unique thing about her poetry is that they address issues of life and her verses are simply inspiriting, easy to relate with without being mundane.

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