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HEAVEN’S QUATRAINS (by Kukogho Iruesiri Samson)

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Heaven's Quatrains [Heaven’s  Quatrains]
Turn away from sin, let your heart not falter
For His Salvation awaits on golden platter.
Open wide your troubled soul and receive
The Life saving breath only He can give.

It takes no more than bended knees,
And prayer that’s made of heartfelt pleas.
For Him to take you back, washed down,
And fit for heaven’s glorious crown.

In Heaven’s streets sweet respite we’ll know.
But none shall enter through it’s window
For always wide open is its golden door
To all that’ll bid bye to the man of before.

Today is the day to embrace His grace,
Today is the day for the first step of the race.
Yes today, Dont wait for tomorrow’s dawn:
Before then, your last breath may be drawn!

About Post Author

Kukogho Iruesiri Samson

KIS, author of two poetry collections, ‘WHAT CAN WORDS DO?’ and ‘I SAID THESE WORDS’, is an award-winning Nigerian writer, photographer, and media professional with experience in journalism, PR, publishing and media management. In 2016, he was listed in Nigerian Writers Awards' list of 100 MOST INFLUENTIAL NIGERIAN WRITERS UNDER 40. The same year 2016, he won the Nigerian Writer’s Award for ‘Best Poet In Nigeria 2015.’ he had also won the Orange Crush 1st Prize for Poetry in 2012. He is the CEO of Words Rhymes & Rhythm LTD.
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