[caption id="attachment_3279" align="aligncenter" width="436"] [Don't Say][/caption]Don’t say the day is rushing It is coming! Don’t say the winds are pushing It is hugging! Don’t say the kite is rounding...


[caption id="attachment_3229" align="aligncenter" width="436"] [Success][/caption] How many scars distort. How many smiles linger. How many trophies glimmer? How many battles will never again be fought? How many men remember?...


[caption id="attachment_3199" align="aligncenter" width="406"] [Forge Ahead][/caption]Some slept expecting to wake, But mourning now follows their wake! Even as some hearts tremble with pain, Some seek to, laughter, constrain. Yesterday...


[caption id="attachment_3110" align="aligncenter" width="411"] [Ink Well][/caption]I split the moon. Not with bombs, stupid, A pen! I resurrected a heart today. By the power of speech, Food to the soul...
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