Son, what defines you? What defines you son? What causes a smile to be spread abroad thine cheek? What makes thine eyes to be filled with tears? What makes thine...
[caption id="attachment_8331" align="aligncenter" width="380"] [BIRTH BY IMAGINATION][/caption] I will unchain my imagination Free it from every limitation Build a hedge around all forms of resistance Energise it with the...
[caption id="attachment_8850" align="aligncenter" width="339"] [IT ALL FADES][/caption]At the genesis of the world None was, but Him and His aides Rough to say as we're not yet mould In...
[caption id="attachment_9529" align="aligncenter" width="347"] [LYING TRUTH][/caption]Making fictional fiction Handling the hand without a handle Gossip, our disgrace of truth We are so special Our absent minded self Is so...
[caption id="attachment_11747" align="aligncenter" width="382"] [WONDERING][/caption]I wonder Shouldn't you ponder? Think, wake up from your slumber Why don't humans understand when birds chatter? Oh! I wonder I wonder Why do...
[caption id="attachment_11753" align="aligncenter" width="363"] [LETS HAVE IT SHINING][/caption]Lets have it shining, between our breast The enviable lamp of endless friendship That many seek out to steal, In the flowing...
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