I toil night and day leaving no room for rest; For I thought to myself, ‘Rest is for those whom idleness have impressed’. So I turned an owl at night...
The world is a tree Humans are The branches: the leaves And the seeds... The world is a tree- A tree that fruit many fruits. Eatable and uneatable; Cherish-able, be...
Wisdom is wisdom yet desired wisdom cos her meeting with non-wisdom made her think she was no wisdom and wisdom called wisdom no-wisdom wisdom listened to non-wisdom wisdom considered non-wisdom's...
Why die ye AVERAGE Like an unfinished BEVERAGE Making issues against you become LEVERAGED Why let the initiatives in you DECAY Why not get the creativity REPLAYED And find a...
Prologue: Dear child, if you’re reading my biography Sometime in the near future, When I’m dead and dailies are eulogizing me, And you pick up this poem to read, Know...
TABLET OF TRUTH (Letter to my sister) Oyinlola, Money can never worth the sweetness of honey Neither can volume of sweat determine income. Honey, indeed is honour, in truth, dignity;...
A current lady in kings school Who everyone had thought was cool. She lived downtown the street of Sloke Whose pathway's dirts can make one choke. She had some chubby...
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