Our son has gone to reunite with his wife, she left us not long ago, She left in haste without saying goodbye. She was young and unaged lovely to behold....
[caption id="attachment_11309" align="aligncenter" width="364"] www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [The Eagles' Path][/caption]on carting wheels they ride amidst shoulder high foes who pride with yester-glory yea! they ride off to get the rope of victory...
[caption id="attachment_9288" align="aligncenter" width="369"] www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [The Combats][/caption]At Gassama's final trumpet, at his final trumpet . . . They stood like the crucifixion's stake, Like the crucifixion's stake, The Antelopes stood,...
[caption id="attachment_3841" align="aligncenter" width="436"] www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [Vanquished Heroes][/caption]A tune was played near; One of loss, a sorrowful song. A chant was heard from afar; One of joy, a victory song. Two...
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