Miasma whispers in the ears of its Delta children as they sway to the songs that caress their lips The violent noise has become a barren burden Faces of confusion...
My country has oil! A British company struck it. Now, the Germans will sell more rigs, The Chinese will get more road tenders, The Americans will feign disinterest… Then probably...
See, I live by the river, yet drink from pipes For the waters are mere oily stripes On the scarred back of our ravaged farms For which our sons once...
[caption id="attachment_11281" align="aligncenter" width="317"] www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [Old Soldier Never Dies][/caption]When I hear hopeless denizens Hooting like night owls Perched on frail branches Of smooth-bark Iroko trees Begging life's support From crevices...
[caption id="attachment_8511" align="aligncenter" width="373"] www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [Killing The Delta][/caption]Charged with a new sense of reasoning We broke through steel cracks of old Found Laughters in packs of wet innocence We are...
[caption id="attachment_4725" align="aligncenter" width="349"] www.facebook.cpm/WRRPoetry [Weeping Soil][/caption]Our land is the source That generates your resource Yet it looks battered Like goods craftily adulterated Heed to our land's ethics And forget...
[caption id="attachment_1720" align="aligncenter" width="203"] www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry[/caption] The rope dangled His lifeless-body danced The executioner laughed The heavens shut eyes! Outside, we opened hands Pleading for his life and his friends' We...
[caption id="attachment_1702" align="aligncenter" width="201"] www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry[/caption] It's November again! Feel these winds blow, see these leaves falling, No, it's not Harmattan blowing. It’s Ken coffin calling from our coughing body frames....
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