What if my clock stopped And your clock stopped And her clock stopped And his clock stopped Ticking... What if time stood still and the sun remained uphill What if...
Why does my heart love you, And then wish it was independent of you? Why does your will bring pain? And then fulfilling it joy and gain? Why does my...
GAGUT - [God Almighty Grand Unified Theorem] Africa, my motherland and my rest My abode of homely deeds Carrying and harboring your children in your chest I am still yet to...
Wisdom is wisdom yet desired wisdom cos her meeting with non-wisdom made her think she was no wisdom and wisdom called wisdom no-wisdom wisdom listened to non-wisdom wisdom considered non-wisdom's...
God does not live in Bible pages Yes, your Koran cannot be his house He counts not rosaries, nor habits images Clanging bells and murdered cocks only arouse The owner...
You call it blasphemy When they are looking for an excuse To behead our loved ones They call it blasphemy This country is sitting on a keg of gunpowder Because...
Rabbi the Great Teacher sent from heaven We've dwelt long enough in our ignorance Complacent and filled with self But now like reptiles we crawl to thee On bended kness...
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