Poetry is not inborn. Poetry is not hereditary and cannot be inherited. It does not flow in the gene or trait of any god-poet, assumed or established. Poetry does not...
Green and white detribalised our existence Our grumblings are more private than public Alas! Our ears have been listened to dialogues Will writers present a collective opinion? While the nation's...
We don't just write a letter, string some letters into a word, some words or some lines, a group of words or lines, a long sentence or another broken off...
Today’s class exercise is a follow up to the lecture on RHYME IN POETRY: TYPES AND USAGE A rhyme is a repetition of similar sounds in two or more words,...
Beneath your skin, Dark and lovely connubial vials Hold ancient songs buried in liquid deep A serenade in the Serengeti A sunrise on distant hills Shedding light on black and...
[caption id="attachment_6568" align="aligncenter" width="453"] #WRRPoetryVerseSurgery[/caption] Many things are allowed in the ‘most contemporary’ Nigerian literature, even psycho-imaginative meningioma; proclaim the very art of purposeful nationalist writing— countryside lyricals, activist poems...
No Poetry could… Describe the beads of sweat, That form rivulets on Lamy’s back like dew. Explain how joy overflows In tears from eyes that have held sadness. Fathom how...
Do you know even the heavens cried When your heart was hurt and pained When you fought, lost and again tried, Your garment torn and blood stained? Do you know...
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