Brigitte, the African Abcoulomb Igniting the darling design of our Acanthi Giant voice in my soundless Beginning Bigger for any write-hand adverb Raining rain on the raining tour Icing on...
I called him ‘OKENYE UKWU’1 My father Onowu Iyasele Chike Ofodile A world of grand processions, rituals, rites of mystery, magic, sages and taboos of sweetest kindred ties and kindred...
[caption id="attachment_11577" align="aligncenter" width="474"] [ODE TO EPUA][/caption]Epua Love! Your strange name birds sings Just as it rings and echoes Everyone around me now knows That you hold what I...
[caption id="attachment_11296" align="aligncenter" width="401"] [Maya Lives On][/caption]Like a firm tree you stood Deeply rooted in your artworks With large branches you shaded many And bore bounteous fruits to feed...
[caption id="attachment_11297" align="aligncenter" width="431"] [Angel's Coo][/caption]If we'll study war no more And leave not saliva prints Upon earth's rickety tits; If we'll tell truth beyond Colours of the skin...
[caption id="attachment_10346" align="aligncenter" width="362"] [Ode To A Loving Mum][/caption] How I wish I could see you Why didn't you wait a little? You dropped me on earth and left...
[caption id="attachment_10264" align="aligncenter" width="363"] [Okigbo, Here I Stand][/caption]My flute And gong All hang On my left shoulder, Kola and ofo well placed In my half-torn bag. Dancing to the...
[caption id="attachment_9398" align="aligncenter" width="345"] [KIS Island][/caption]Here I stand, beneath shadeless cover Of the wraith-like, bald trees Shooting wearied stares at my rain-barren clouds As I plead for words to...
[caption id="attachment_8870" align="aligncenter" width="348"] [Telephone][/caption]How incredible the way it works To the techno-illiterates, magic Communication enhanced greatly Even semi-illiterates still cannot believe it Masts, cables, micro-chips All for the...
[caption id="attachment_7914" align="aligncenter" width="370"] [Setting Sun][/caption]It wasn't evening before the sun was missing. It wasn't dusk but the sun was gone. Who stole our source of only food? Who...
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