i. We are all children of death, born at the cemetry of doubts and hopeless future that exists in the bald hearts of photo-copied pictures and dreams that soared away...
You have been a creeper, On the tree of love, You have been a shadow, Under its broad leaves below. You receive its breath of love, And you got lost...
Born,bred alone in this world My cherubic self; my decency Delved all depths; guess no debts. Grow along diversified unknown travails of the world. Decent self; beyond came from My...
This little black box I carried as I plunge into the room A huge monster and friend Endowed with misery and mercy Spewed countless incantations Unto my little black box...
Tic-tak-tic-tak the time went slow just as it was noisy. My eyes were open yet my eyes are blind closing my eyes darkness I open the same. Just a perfect...
I was asleep, when I heard the whoops that sane's awake but when I woke I found sane dead And I cried... 'The world is dead.' Now a ghost Wandering,...
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