you both did the waist dance you the pot, he the lance ecstasy in the arms of carelessness careless seeding - two hearts become restless to be a single mother...
Prologue: Dear child, if you’re reading my biography Sometime in the near future, When I’m dead and dailies are eulogizing me, And you pick up this poem to read, Know...
I called him ‘OKENYE UKWU’1 My father Onowu Iyasele Chike Ofodile A world of grand processions, rituals, rites of mystery, magic, sages and taboos of sweetest kindred ties and kindred...
Life is a battle against challenges I have trained my arms to bend steel I girded my waist with strength I have acquired diverse tactics I starved my belly I...
Its a year since your light flickered away One year since your breath with you last stay As would a silent whisper, you arrived On the same stage, you took...
Where are our daughters? Mothers, where are they? Tell me they aren't the ones I find on the Streets these days For I barely see the ones I once knew....
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