In scramble of parties for the public purse, money becomes election_ and duties are forsaken. Yes! Our husband abdicates his onus, now they say he's an imbecile, some say he...
This policy will be policed to be a politically political induction. Let me introduce myself, first. I am Comrade Ambassador NoWork ManChop; B.A, B.Ed, B.Sc, M.Sc, PhD, B.B.C, and of...
And the gods came Making three mountains one Striping the hood naked In the name of clothing Crudity in the name refining And the gods left For the godsons Neo-colomental...
This trail continues and its marks go no where I can follow I ask you now, what today breeds for tomorrow As laziness and quest for quick sugary tea make...
They have come again to the tracks; Familiar faces awaiting the pistol crack And he that gets there first Shall soon have a puffed up chest. See, now they are...
hey! close the umbrellas! let rain pour on our bloodied fields let our battlefields drink to their fill, again watch! we will sow maize where we now plant bodies we’ll...
It doesn't take an impressive feat of detection To guess that we're heading to an imminent election; Before very soon we'll be motoring on the road To a total explosion...
[caption id="attachment_5685" align="aligncenter" width="330"] [Our Dear Politrickians][/caption]I'll write you a poem inked with my blood and rhymed on this sad note of shame My dear ‘politrickians’ I'll birth your...
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