with this emptiness and burning pain with no happiness only tears my eyes contain no joke can remedy the injury I sustain never will your smile be life's entertain your...
What if my words drag me Into that jungle of forgotten souls And my intuition is clinched upon the castigated tree, Would you drown in sympathy? What if my fortitude...
Ill fated dusk; When the moon shines above And the glittery stars twinkled to life, The dark and its minions rode. And with tendrils of dread Planted in each men...
Prologue: Dear child, if you’re reading my biography Sometime in the near future, When I’m dead and dailies are eulogizing me, And you pick up this poem to read, Know...
And the clouds receded: Bit by bit it dissolves With the wind on the sky's pew; Spite the contraction of the beams, Sunset resolves The labour of man; after hours...
when this sea o'erflows its borders, brother, when we are no more bothered by the weight of life's worries and cares; there is consolation yonder. -adieu? but we seek for...
And man said… Let there be cars, And surrogate replicas of stars. Let there be, Little pools to trap the sea. And there was… Man said … Let there be...
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