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We fought and won so many battle with dignity
But to corruption and sentiments, we lost our Humanity.
It is time for us to knock, one after the other,
The heads of them that dream against the order!
For wasted and rusted is the state of our land
Our dreams are rotten, long buried in the sand.
Alas, we have nothing that could be celebrated,
Even as issue abound that should be deliberated!
Let’s come together that they may be unmasked
Who dared our query openly basked!
Who knows, we may be just a border away,
Close to victory, if we’d be united in what we say!
Kukogho Iruesiri Samson
Lawal J. Ayub Coolgeezy
Owokere A. Etim
Ambrose Anton Writes
Lawal J. Ayub Coolgeezy
Davids Ezimako