For real she got the fruit
It’s no doubt he had it from her
But for sure he took a bite
Of himself and by himself
Who says he was forced of her?
With all sincerity she got the spanking
So heavy her heart bleeds till date
Her decisions, to suit her man – Always!
In birth, a matter of life and death
Who says she ain’t got enough?
He is male and she is female
Who says the decision is hers to take
You, the donor of XY, she a XX
Yet you give her a deadline after 5
Who says the sixth will be a boy?
Adultery! It’s a man’s world and thing
Polygamy, a show of affluence and wealth
In fact as a man, the more the better
But for her, a cutlass has but just a sharp edge
Who says polyandry is a sin, polygamy’s not?
For any wrong done, a slap, kick or battering
She needs to learn, her person shattered
It’s in her make, she needs be bent
Always nagging, always offending
Who says she is but a boxing bag?
It’s okay if the man is the boss
The lady nothing but the cleaner and maid
All her education must end in the kitchen
Her whole life defined only in family terms
Who says the man cannot be a better cook?
Over the years she’s got another name
Abuse; an abnormal use, killing her softly
Back bent, eyes swollen, moral killed
Emotions dampened and at times, death
Who says she is deserving of death?
Who says he was forced of her?
Who says she ain’t got enough?
Who says the sixth will be a boy?
Who says she is deserving of death?
Who says the woman is synonymous to ABUSE?
Written by: Olukanni Excellence Olayinka
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson
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