He is the Holy One of Israel whose coming was prophesied
for thousands of years by the Prophets before it came to
He is He that humbled Himself and shed His divinity;
Who came down as God incarnate in the flesh,
Who suffered on the cross,
Who shed His blood,
Who gave up His life as a living sacrifice for our sins,
Who went down into hell, overcame Satan, the principalities
and powers,
Who rose again,
Who ascended into Heaven
And who sits at the right hand of God the Father.
He is He whose Holy Spirit guides, leads, protects and fights
for us on earth today.
He is He that is high and lifted up, whose train fills the
Temple. He is He that is more than able and whose Kingdom
shall never end.
He is He that makes all things beautiful in His own way and in
His own time.
He is the Spoiler of our Enemies,
Our Advocate,
Our Defender
And our Judge.
He is the Man of War,
The Avenger of our Blood,
The Ancient of Days,
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah,
The Lord of Hosts,
The Comforter,
The Consuming Fire,
The Alpha and the Omega,
The Creator of all that is,
The Prince of Peace,
The Lily of the Valley,
The Rose of Sharon, the Balm of Gilead,
The Blood of the Sprinkling,
The Rejected Stone that became the Cornerstone,
The Nazarene,
The Conqueror of Satan
The Great Provider.
He is the Author and Finisher of our Faith,
The Lifter of our Heads, our Shield and our Glory.
He is our Father who is filled with love, who guards us
jealously and who never fails.
He is the Lord of the Universe,
The Lord of the 24 Elders that sit before Him in His throne
The Lord of the Angels and the Archangels,
The Lord of the Cherubims and the Seraphims
He is the King of Glory.
Who is this King of Glory?
The Lord strong and mighty,
The Lord mighty in battle,
He is the King of Glory.
His name is Jehova Sabaoth,
Jehova Rapha,
Yahweh God and the I Am That I Am.
He is irresistible and unfathomable.
He is the God of the Armies of Israel,
The God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,
Gideon, Jeptha, Sampson, Moses,
Samuel, David, Joseph,
Elijah, Elisha and the Apostle Paul.
He is the Compassionate and the Merciful,
The Adonai, the Elohim, the Lamb of God,
The Risen King, the Messiah, the King of Kings,
The Lord of Lords- Yashua,
Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
Son of the Living God.
Written by: Femi Fani-Kayode
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson
Actually, the prophets never said anything about God returning – only the messiah. For the Israelites, a messiah was any king (King David for example) who would deliver them from their enemies. The concept of a divine messiah was unthinkable to the Israelites.
But we know better…we are convinced
you’re right about that. faith is a wonderful thing. everybody should have a little. but unfortunately that’s why they call it “blind faith”.
Indeed. Blind faith it is.