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WE NO LONGER CARE! by Prince Kuti Adetoye Olayinka

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Spit on the face of death
Rattle the twin tails of fear
For neither can make me fret
not one of my hair strands do the scare

Hang death by the noose
Bring this ancient creature to the grave
To drink of its very own poisonous booze
With which it killed many a brave

Let us kill death
Come let us crucify our fears
And comfort our cold tears
Putting of the graves gloomy shirt

Come let us drink the vipers poison
Come let us bask on the suns surface
And swim in pools of crimson
So we may dictate life’s pace

And if life itself grows too proud,
We shall kill it!

“I shall escape death. How? I know not! Only the dead do know”

WE NO LONGER CARE! by Prince Kuti Adetoye Olayinka


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