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We Need Another Moses [We Need Another Moses]
In the belly of roses
Passing through tree trunks
Unfolding mysteries of myths
And mountains of melting heights
On my doorpost with mezuzah slates
Sniffing through the tree noses
Stinging the snoring sky
Like nettles of barren states
Phylactery held parched pages of plagued penance
Bound with burning censers
Flagon filled with masses’ tears
Famine, hunger, flood, death
Nakedness-clothed hearts in fear
High priests of the night
Walks through the breaking light
Enrolling, the magi of the night
With fire on a burning sheet
Through the night voices
Of unfriendly tides and noise
Ranking like thousands of battalions
Searching for another Moses

Written by: Moses Chibueze Opara
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson

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