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VOICES OF DESPAIR (a lamentation)

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Voices of Deapair [Voices of Despair]

Voices of despair
Mourn the death of budding dreams.

Let every ear
Hear the resonance of your grieving
For murdered hopes!

Let all eyes
See the bleeding gashes
Upon your battered souls!

Who says ‘Amen to a curse
And prospers?

Who kills the biting pangs of *kum
With a smiley yawn?

Who takes a child’s cherished prize
And gets a deluge of giggles?

Are pains not told with falling tears
And joy spoken with laughter?

Voices of despair
Mourn the death of budding dreams,
Grieve the cruel murder of hope,
Smitten by the venoms of failed promises!

*kum – Tangale word meaning hunger

meet the poet: Joshua Mobi Ehud

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