That look of hate I didn’t see
Tells me something isn’t just right
For here, a welcomed pregnancy
Should come after a marriage rite
For as she passed along the street,
Pitiful gazes flashed here and there
With much constraint she dragged her feet
Carrying a load she was too young to bear
Those she passed by on her way
Didn’t rile her as for a child gone wild
Instead with quaking voice I heard them say,
“Cursed be the soul that raped that child”
Then all at once it dawned on me
As I stood still with mouth agape
‘Twas not her choice this came to be
For she was a victim of rape!
Written by: Emerald Friday Samuel
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson
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- Raped (wordsrhymesandrhythm.wordpress.com)
Such a pity. They abound in our society, victims of perversions…
Very sad…