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Until Morning Comes [Until Morning Comes]
Here we stand,
On this broken walls
Hearts yawning with tears
Waiting, until morning comes

Our rancorous elites have no pity;
We‘ve been battered and beaten
By their men in starched khaki
Though we are hungry and dying

We dress our face with false smiles
As our hopes are murdered, left for vultures to feed
Alas! We are sold by our own people
Mere mortals with dead conscience

Now, our gory is their glory
And complains land us behind bars
When will justice prevail?
When will the pot bellies hear the poor’s cry?

Our fears haunt our dreams
We cannot stand nor seek refuge
So we lick our tears in pain
Waiting until morning comes

Uncreated creator!
Save us from them who tax and task us
For we are now slaves in our own land
Waiting until morning comes…

Written by: Emeke Nwaoboli and Moses Opara
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson

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