As long as they have decided
To remain uncompromising
In their decision not to bother
About our plight
Unstopped, we will continue
To sing these words of
Tribulation to their hearing
As long as they remain
Unbothered towards our plight
Unstopped, these scarlet tears of ours
Will flow on their immaculate gowns
Until it turns into blood, since they
Have refused to listen to
The cry of our plight
Don’t tell us to stop now
Because we won’t stop just yet
For it has been long
We have pleaded with them
Hoping they would listen
To the cry of our plight
We will stop only when they come
To their senses and know
That the whole, not half
Of it belongs to all of us
And not to some few
Individuals in the chamber
Written by: Akpoviri Akpoveta Prince
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson
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