I love the first side of Fame,
he waketh thee up each day
seeing thyself above thy dream.
Fame spreads your name
all over nations;
makes you a model,
lavishing praises along your path.
fear the other side of Fame,
his second half
that keeps you away from normal,
prompts self-denial,
misplacement of reality
for what is called ‘masked-identity’
fear fame!
she makes you a liar,
won’t want to disappoint
so she moulds your lies as truth.
you do bad things
and she covers
she bails you out of guilt
fear fame!
the second side that spit Fame-must
by force,
she hinders you from walking with
old-friends on the street
else they say,
‘Fame is wretched’.
you no longer take off
your sing-let
for an in-let
of freshness that calms the soul,
no feel of zephyr,
you’re squeezed and pressured
into a box of Fame like a cassava pulp stuck into a sack for sale.

The price of fame! Yet, the question is, as in Shakespeare’s Hamlet: to be or not to be?