Let’s build, for Peace, a lasting nest,
And force Discord on exile.
Let, in our acts, love manifest;
Let’s build, for peace, a lasting nest.
Let the land, from north, east, through west,
To south, with unity be tiled.
Let’s build, for Peace, a lasting nest,
And FORCE Discord on exile.
Sure, we can! Stitch up our wrapper,
So the future can be well draped;
Be needle, play thread, not zapper.
Sure, we can stitch up our wrapper.
We can darn this country proper
If, in Christ, our thoughts are reshaped–
Sure! We can stitch up our wrapper,
So the future will be well draped!
Revival, not Revolution!
Only the Word can be prevail!
Let’s make the Bible our constitution:
Revival, not Revolution!
If we fix, first, our lives before the nation;
Surely, we will heal our tale!
Revival, not Revolution;
Only the Word can prevail!
Written by: Kingsley U. Ayistar
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