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The Wife Material [The Wife Material]
She’s like a butterfly
Her love is hard to get
All the men try
But no one has had her yet

She believes in fairy tales
Her man will come someday
She says her God never fails
So her prince is on his way

You’ll never find her in the club
I call her the perfect wife
Some say she is a snub
But all she wants is a quiet life

Every food she cooks
Has this special taste
She can be a worm at books
But her efforts don’t go to waste

Her clothes are decent
And of this, she is proud
She knows what fashion is recent
But she hates to join the crowd

When I see her across the street
I know I’ve found the one
She’s the one I plan to meet
My wife material… like none

Written by: Ogoluwa Simon Ojewale
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson

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