Wa-Zo-Bia reaction: “Ig1+Yo2+ Ha4 — PDP0 (+APC1) = NeW 9ja”
Jega dusted the crucible
placed it on the Inec’s table
“let us sample 9ja’s medullas!”
he threw in tattered umbrellas
brooms entered the mix
“tick-tock”, time ticks
“pour all into the mortar”
people added Holy Water
as Jega pounded with PVC
Twitter turned a stormy sea:
OMOjuwa and OMOkri
efribodi n sare kiri!
Jega first said ‘FeBUHARI
14 x 2 = March 28. Orisirisi!
“continuity!”, many screamed
“change!” many more dreamed
as Amaechi dodged bullets
mama Peace fed gullets
Nyamiri, Ngbati and Gambari
all thumbed their marks for Buhari
young, aged, (cows and underaged?)
from Sokoto to Osun, the thumbs raged
Lagos quaked and Rivers rumbled
but the umbrella still crumbled!
mad Oru, for Joe, did bebe
but Jega drooled white kelebe..
the General penned victory piece
as uncle Jona whimpered in peace
ah, this Wa-Zo-Bia reaction!
birth of one-hope nation!