Will demolish any measuring scale
Yet, we are as light as a feather
The voice of the masses
Sounds louder than a Vuvuzela
Yet it is like the rustling of leaves
I feel the pains and sorrows
Of those unable to smell the fragrance
Of wealth, comfort and happiness
I am one of them
I am with them
Pushed by unknown forces
My fleshy hand becomes metallic
My soft heart hardens
My eyes burn, inferno
My pen blazes, Titan’s sword
Points to the unjust, the corrupt and the greedy
Warning them to hear the voice
Of the rejected, the dejected and the cheated
Or be eternally damned!
Written by: Kolade Olanrewaju Freedom
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson
#WRRPoetry #Nigeria #Corruption #change
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