The politician’s filthy lucre
His contractor decoy’s profiteering
Powered by the technocrat’s crooked intelligence
Stirs up my bile
But what of the plank in my eyes?
The kidnapper’s provoking avarice
His lewd assassin’s mercenary spirit
Encouraged by a colleague’s jealousy
Caused tears to suffocate me
But what of my secret deals?
The armed robber’s mad greed
His pen robber’s merciless aggrandizement
Enamored by systemic evil
Provoked the spirit of critical analysis
Yet the plank in my eyes contradicts.
The wantonness of the red zone
The unbridled lechery of several partners
The capricious boldness of the pervert
Evokes depression and disenchantment
But, what of the plank in my eyes?
Written by: Passy Amaraegbu
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson