Today marks off your living breath
And you leave this deadly world
But our memories of you still prevail
And they keep reminding us that you’re still alive
Though, you’ve given your mortal to the grave
You’ll never decay but live till we join you
Indeed you’re the great Iroko of our time
You sheltered other trees and they took refuge under you
You’ve always been our hope in hopelessness
A father and a model to youths and scholars
Support for the aged, liberator to the caged
A motivator and confidant to colleagues
Your words, in our hearts will remain an ornament
We’ll continue to wear them round our neck
They’ll never be forgotten in a weary century
Your footprint shall remain for a footsie
Your inkhorn a model for our pens
We shall never depart The Way O’Master
Odogwu Nwoke
What shall bare lip say that’ll befit you?
If all the ink were gathered, they won’t be enough
To comment your worth in person
You inspired us right from the womb
We thought you’d lead us through
So it’s hard to see you withered now
Nwokeoma na ememma
Ebe ka ihara anyi lawa?
Ihara anyi atcho olee
Who’ll water your unfinished vegetation?
Now that we need you most
How will you wipe our tears from the grave?
Wake up and answer us!
And, we won’t be against this journey
“La nke oma onyenwe m
La ma doziekwara anyi uzo papa”
Will be the song from our humble hearts
Written by: Nkwor Tochukwu
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson
Nice and touchy.