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Tears Of Agony
www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [Tears Of Agony]
All were at ease
Oblivious of what fate planned;
Birds of the air were at peace,
Trees of the hills were calm,
Pedestrians walked with zest…

The inhabitants were unaware
Of the executioners penchant for homicide
They laid their yearnings for regicide at rest.
But heirs and co-heirs were like sacrificial lambs slain,
Adorned houses were ravaged,
Flames persisted, built castles in the air
Graveyard silence pervaded the locality,
And tears submerged the community.

I sat and wept for posterity;
For the ones yet unborn
To face dangers looming ahead,
For the executioners ignorance
About the transience of life,

…Muttering, God save my soul.

Written by: Gedion Arinze
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson

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