Words Rhymes & Rhythm


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Surugede: A Dance of the Spirits

Dancing with the Djembe, what a magical sight,
Where tales of spirits and sacrifice take flight.
In ancient festivals, traditions held dear,
Legends of deities and rituals appear.

The Djembe's beat, like a heart's gentle call,
Echoes through the night, captivating all.
Whispers of evil spirits, lurking in the shade,
Shared by wise elders, memories never fade.

Around the fire's glow, stories are unfurled,
Of brave warriors and battles that once twirled.
To please the deities, sacrifices were made,
A solemn act, keeping darkness at bay.

The dancers, entranced, move with grace and might,
Guided by the Djembe's rhythm, their spirit takes flight.
Their movements tell stories, of strength and strife,
Honouring the spirits, bringing balance to life.

Let us remember, these tales of old,
Carry history's weight, traditions to uphold.
Though blood sacrifices may seem harsh and grim,
They reflect beliefs, a cultural hymn.

So as we dance with the Djembe, let's embrace,
The beauty of these stories, the spirits' grace.
In festivals and rituals, a connection we find,
To the past and present, a shared bind.

Dancing with the Djembe, a celebration so grand,
Where legends come alive, forever to withstand.
Through rhythm and movement, we honour the past,
Creating new stories that forever will last.

Ancestral Storyline

In the fire's warm embrace, stories unfold,
The tales of our Ancestors, ancient legends untold.
In whispers of wisdom, we are carried on the wind,
Gestures guiding our path, to where their spirits have been.

From the mighty baobab unto the rolling plains,
Their presence lingers, the soil as ancestral domains.
Through drumbeats and dances, their voices arise,
Like enveloped tapestry, under African skies.

Their echoes speak of resilience, of strength and unprecedented grace,
Lessons passed down the lineage, from each ancient faces.
Uncompared wisdom echoes in the lion's roar,
A rhythmic sound of life, alive forevermore.

Through every step, a legacy lives,
In the heartbeat of Africa, pushing our spirits to thrive.
Tales of the Ancestors, will forever remain,
To encase testaments of the heritage we proudly claim.

Agent Ubuntu

In the realm of storytelling, where tales are spun,
Desmond Tutu stood as a Griot, a chosen one.
His voice, a melody of truth and grace,
Enlightening the world, leaving a lasting trace.

Through the darkest times, he shone a guiding light,
A beacon of hope, dispelling the shadows of the night.
With words of wisdom and a heart full of love,
He taught us to rise, united as one above.

In the face of injustice, he stood tall and bold,
A champion of peace, his spirit never sold.
He fought against apartheid's cruel reign,
With unwavering courage, he broke the chains.

His laughter echoed, a symphony of joy,
A reminder that love can always destroy,
The walls that divide, the hatred that binds,
His laughter united hearts and minds.

Desmond Tutu's legacy, forever etched in time,
A testament to the power of justice, sublime.
His tales from the Griot, a gift to us all,
Inspiring generations to answer the call.

So let us carry his stories, his message so clear,
To fight for equality, to lend an ear.
In his memory, let us walk hand in hand,
Continuing his work, spreading love across the land.

Desmond Tutu, a Griot of our age,
May your spirit guide us, page by page.
Your legacy lives on, in hearts far and near,
Forever cherished, forever held dear.

Joshua Omeke is a Nigerian-born mercurial writer whose craft is centred on the recognition of African heritage.

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