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Sun's Song [Sun‘s Song]
Melody of the sun by my window
I stand to watch the tune
Smiling at me
Telling me to do the magic:
Produce fireworks of lyrics

Though my voice can flash
Though my words can dance
My words are lost
Gone far away to the golden mountain
Where kings and queens sing
Their heads bowed
To The I Am That I Am

I thought the sun would be bitter
But lo and behold it smiled
Then light turned to darkness
And my heart raced round the globe
Seeking to appeal the sun
Its smile changed to a song
Telling me it’s alright

My light comes from the LION
That rules both heaven and earth
My smile comes from the ROOT
I was created to bow
To the Lion of Judah
Root of the House of Jesse

Written by: Lebile Melt Tosin
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson

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