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When Will resigns and Desire’s unstirred,
How can it fly- the apathetic bird?
Would, in the wild, the Lion be tagged ‘King’
If fear’s its best against crises that spring?
‘Tis for wonders man’s subtle brain was made,
Why let mere shyness be sheath for its blade?
See how the Sun raptly donates its rays,
Show your skills and brighten your coming days!
For closed mouths never savor victory,
Neither do folded arms keep the trophy;
So you should leave your shell and climb the rock,
Kill the booming volume of Failure’s mock.
Prepare your wings to explore the rich sky;
Graze the top whereon overcomers cry;
Your gift is a tool for building your dream
Into reality; let’s see its steam!
Written by: Kingsley U. Ayistar