Read Time:39 Second

I am
The soldier of Allah
Boot laced
Gun strapped
Heading for the killing
I’m no villain,
Just seeking the
Holy Virgins
I, righteous one
Blood flows down my hand
Like water from a jar;
Cut throats
And spread intestines
Like djellaba
My mission today
Is to activate pain
Cleansing the earth
Of its impurities…
My last mission
Was incomplete
Losing a limb
Bedridden, I became…
In moment of Reflection,
I stretched open the Noble book
Lightening stroke!
Thunder clap!
I am on the wrong path!
Nothing had changed
I am still
A soldier of Allah
Warring against ignorance
And stop following Islam
Written by: Harun Oye
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson