Born in the theatre of natural plenty
Breast-fed and mid-wifed by capitalist selfishness
A colonial and exploitative social formation
We were told to close our eyes for prayers
And all we had were carted away
They said we were a dark continent
That we had no history
That we were from the lineage of apes and gorillas
That we were guided by instincts
And not reasoning
But where were their forebears
When ours communicated with proverbs
Where were they
When events were recorded in names, songs and totems
We trailed and endured the path of hunger
Until things began to fall apart in the colonial regimes
We crossed the river between oppression and liberation
Foolish us!
We moved from primitive slavery
To civilized slavery
Is slavery not slavery?
Like bracelets they tricked us into their wrists
Our identity and language
Now in the abyss of non-recognition
We remain a lone voice
In the wilderness of marginalization
Handwork of internal collaborators
Written by: Albert Seraphin
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson