Words Rhymes & Rhythm

SIXTH SENSE by Yugo Gabriel Egboluche

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Who says there was silence in the dawn?
When all I hear is the stillness,
of cherubs and seraphs
whispering through light.

Who says there was darkness?
When all I see is the absence,
of light and freewill
confined in space and time.

Who smells dirt?
When all I perceive is alteration,
of a done matter
switching roles.

Who got a problem with salt?
When all I taste is sweet or sour,
of solids and liquids
with a tang of brine.

Who denies the presence of emotions?
When all I feel is real,
of highs and lows
that I may become complete.

SIXTH SENSE by Yugo Gabriel Egboluche
SIXTH SENSE by Yugo Gabriel Egboluche

About Post Author

Yugo Gabriel Egboluche

Yugo Gabriel Egboluche is a graduate of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He lives and writes from Nigeria, where he works as a Development Practitioner with a flair for extensive writing that covers poetry, fiction, script and copy-writing. His works have been published in chapbooks and webzines including The Kalahari Review, Praxis Magazine Online, while his short stories have been published in an Experimental Writing, African Vs Latin America anthology, blogs and translated into film. He has also edited and co-authored numerous community development texts and guidebooks.
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