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Series Of Songs (VIII) [Series Of Songs (VIII)]
I tell, glossy petals, shall b’come frail and pale
When the arms of time is stretched across the sky
Numb becomes the viril’ty of comfort’s gale
that blew wild, which men on them, in ecst’sy lie

But attitude we know is a thing of worth
And on the scale of time, it weighs than diamond
A glint of care is also a thing of worth
Which in memories lie in pristine bond

Ah, what truth, all is dust and shall wan with time
when one owns a heart of gold and springs of care
Where the leech of sorrow that shimmers in prime
outwears when her bliss beckons, both far and near

Like men, all is dust, in time, shall sink to dust
Unlike rods, she’s gold, her care will never rust

Written by: Utamazi Daniel Armourite

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