Following her spirit was her soul, I believe.
If death was visible and not so cowardly a visitor,
She probably could have fought and become a victor.
She was strong, brave, witty and courageous,
Of dark skin, a tint which made her gorgeous.
But flowing within her blood were sickle cells;
She accomplished much but conquered not the cells.
She was fast and had played out her scenes.
But there were still unfulfilled dreams;
Her growing baby girl and the broken relationship,
Her loving husband and the separated fellowship.
Was there a notice before the exit?
My mind wanders about this bit.
Could she have settled in peace
At the time death dealt her this piece?
Sad, she vanished in a scurry,
Albeit, with such flurry.
In God’s bosom, may her spirit find rest,
While the living find solace in God’s nest.
Written by: Princess Okolie
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson