Heartbeats fluctuating like tandem
Pulsating in sync with attached electrocardiograms
Eyelids fluttering in short bursts of reflexes
All culminating in rhythm and poetry
Sinners occupied by wicked acts
Homosexuals impaling themselves with phallic rudiments
Mercilessly pummeling their rectums
Deny it not, amplitude is observed
Runners taking strides towards victory
Pendulums oscillating back and forth
Sounds beating on eardrums
Cresting in Mozart’s symphony
Periods being calculated using
Frequency scrawled illegible across screens
In wavy dyads of troughs and crests
All gibberish to those not schooled in medical artistry
Father disciplining naughty child
Amidst pleas from horrified mother
Between strokes of the sturdy whip
Breaking supersonic speed
Crackling with restless venom
Mother’s touch, the only antidote to father’s anger
The mystics of love and discipline
Disconnected emotions
Mechanics of classics
All begin in noise and end in ? music
I feel it calling to a poet
Swelling up in the midst of me
Aah! Inspiration; from the unlikeliest of settings!
Good poem you got there Jesse, it’ really captivating. from the first stanza… I felt reading to the end of the poem.