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Revelation 21 [Revelation 21]
And I saw the Holy City
Descending from God out of the skies
Stunning as a bride at her wedding
Wondrous in my eyes

Glowing like a gem, clear like jasper
Its walls were broad and high
Pearly gates, streets of gold
Guarded by angels whose strengths never run dry

In the Holy of Holies
Lightning flickers with brilliant might
Seraphim sing holy, holy, holy
And all is blessedness and light

No sorrow, nor tears
No death, nor bleeding heart
No hunger, nor pain, nor fears
For God is ever there and nothing shall tear them apart

Jesus is the gate to heaven’s bliss
Accept Him, have eternal pleasure
To spend forever in this City
Holiness, you must strive for and treasure.

Written by: Ifetayo Abiola

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