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RESPONDEO by Olusegun M. Lawal

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Fools hallucinating in wonders.
Thinking beyond what their strength can comprehend.
Smiling to the breeze
And as if the sky would summon them.

Pick up your hoe lazy one.
Draw that machete and murder your obstacles
What if the joy in the early hours is a deceit?
Dream comes with hard work.

Pineapple prays to the sun to ripen
The moon looks up to the sun to shine at the wake of the night
You had better looked up to your strength.
An easy way to the top is rare.

If you truly want to smile at old age
If you want the sweetest soup in every meal.
Happy children at your death bed.
Then it is time…you must not relent from work.

Short analysis of the poem by author:
This poem depicts the lazy one who dream of wealth without any work at hand. The title RESPONDEO is a Latin world which means “Awake”. There is a need for man to work very hard to have all what is good for him and his

RESPONDEO by Olusegun M. Lawal
RESPONDEO by Olusegun M. Lawal
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