A solemn pledge
A vow to break every hedge
To smash the fetters that have restrained our progress
To loosen the shackles that have made us grow less
To halt the deliberate actions that have hurt our image
To discontinue the dereliction that has kept millions in bondage
To uproot the weed of selfishness that has stifled the seed of unity
To scale the hurdle of greed that has impeded our march to prosperity
No longer will I be a party
To any process that precipitates anarchy
I will always give my all
Anytime service to the nation calls
Other tribes religions I pledge to tolerate
And set an example for others to emulate
Resisting every form of corruption
Doing my job with renewed dedication
Promoting justice and equality
Showing love in the face if animosity
Being a good citizen
Exhibiting fervent patriotism
I will help Nigeria get back on her feet
By faithfully doing my bit
Because redeeming Nigeria might never be
If it does not start with me.

The hard way; the only way.