Let’s all go a hunter to the bank
of Benue river
for there could be the Python(s)
that bank(s) the wealth of a nation;
and not flesh or eggs, or fertile Aso rats,
no more as desserts.
Let’s chew again some sweet fables how green
is Green’s grass that shelters green snake(s);
Dragons, all-powerful to turn Wilderness to woods
but black deviled, brewing us steady toxic wines.
Ours is dry woods a Soil full of red natives and Black Mamba(s)
Our bloods, pigmented in shades with the nights seeking green vegetables for
selves at every sun they see.
Yet another legend that dazzles,
a chain black beauty on black earth that wins us
laurels amongst Black nations.
“On this episode of ‘Animal Farm’, corruption blues”
JAMB, not only chief of this majestic woes
But upon every roof is this monster that queens
in a frail race.
Will you become yet another weakling, Eagle?