www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [Rain Drop]Cascading tears of heaven
Unto earth is given
Breaking her clogs
Pleasing the gods
With more edibles
Upon their tables…
This same blessing
Of late turned to mourning
When an army, hungry,
From these tiny tears, many,
Ate up the whole land
Leaving us with wet sand…
So today again
As the sky begins to bray
And clouds gather to break
Heaven’s shutters
For another downpour
The gods dither…
Adedayo Adeyemi Agarau is a poet, photographer and nutritionist. He has won several awards. His first collection of poems, FOR BOYS WHO WENT, was published in 2017.
Time stretched like acres of farmland And the North star soon lost its twinkle. The dews dropped like soaked balls of fluffy cotton, The day was unproductive like the other. Drumbeats, The voice of the silent gods. The mind is a jumbled heap of despair, The cold ran its strange…
In friendly hatred, tongues of blazing arrows rain down rounded words that sink into fleshy bones hitting the chord of our souls. Propelled by sweet revenge, We rebuild the tower of Babel And touch the heart of God. Written by: Andrew Yakubu Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson Related articles Echoes…
Drumbeats, The booming voice of the silent gods, Their will has been enacted; Sacrifice was made in flesh, blood And Ashake's Maidenhead. Alade threw a huge tantrum But the gods were silent And their wills unchanged, Ashake would marry the crown And birth the fame that would shame the lame.…
Rain can be a blessing or a punishment. I lived in places that receive three to five inches of rain yearly and was a misery place to live. The flood can destroy a city in minutes. Water is needed and can’t be controlled. A powerful poem on a difficult subject.
water is life and it can offer death too…Nigeria was flooded late last year and the losses are still there…Japan saw its share too, as are many countries of the world.
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Rain can be a blessing or a punishment. I lived in places that receive three to five inches of rain yearly and was a misery place to live. The flood can destroy a city in minutes. Water is needed and can’t be controlled. A powerful poem on a difficult subject.
water is life and it can offer death too…Nigeria was flooded late last year and the losses are still there…Japan saw its share too, as are many countries of the world.