This policy will be policed to be a
politically political induction.
Let me introduce myself, first.
I am Comrade Ambassador NoWork ManChop;
B.A, B.Ed, B.Sc, M.Sc, PhD, B.B.C,
and of course, O level.
I have been selected to preach this new policy
as agreed upon by members of the dishonorable house of ASSembly.
Article 1 states and I quote;
Under no circumstance
shall, for instance,
any member of this ordinance
break the vase
that shatters every bond we have.
Article 2 states that;
All men are created equal
because that is the law
told to everyone.
Article 3 states that;
Any man whatsoever;
born poor or otherwise,
shall blame no government official;
for there is none rich without the poor.
Article 4,
I shall pronoune with a smile on my face.
All government officials shall
on whatever grounds or fate,
overcome whatever accusations they face
against individuals and/or the state.
Article 5 states importantly,
that come elections,
we shall learn new tricks and fashion
out ways to make you lose what’s in that head of yours
and vote us again.
God bless this nation,