Why hoping on tomorrow
when tomorrow will never come?
Why say “it will be better”
when it’s not even good at all?
Why do you talk of the future
when you have nothing to show for now?
Why never relenting, saying “the patient dog eats the fattest bone”

Why hoping on tomorrow when tomorrow will never come? Why say "it will be better" when it’s not even good at all? Why do you talk of the future when you have nothing to show for now? Why never relenting, saying “the patient dog eats the fattest bone” while others…

Why do I give worry a chance to manipulate my dance, opening door for sorrow to disturb my tomorrow? Why do I ruminate on the past rather than let the past die in yesterday and slowly fade away I don't know how but the scene, somehow still appears clear and…

CAGED DOG DOESN’T BITE (a poem by Chime Justice Ndubuisi)
They eat the meat I killed, I eat the bones and laugh at them