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Pass Me Not [Pass Me Not]
Weary my mind and soul seem,
‘Only on you I can lean’.
Whilst others thou art calling,
Pass me not by-

Cadavers litter my environs,
Awaiting vultures’ hovering.
Whilst others thou art calling,
Pass me not by-

Crevice, crevasse and crests
I have sought for thee.
Whilst others thou art calling,
Pass me not by-

Right down to the deepest pit,
Right through the slightest slit
Where your soul and mind will slide,
I am forever standing there on your side.

My silent voice always fills the void.
No word of mine can you then avoid.
Others will call, smile or harass,
But no word of yours shall I pass.

Written by: Friday Emmanuel
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson and Brigitte Poirson

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