With history of rich texture
Our many adventures brought pleasure
But we soon lost our composure
Now we nurture
With efforts in great measure
Features that can’t endure
But will only ensure
That as we mature
Our nomenclature
Becomes obscure
And our nature
Enjoys puncture
Then closure
Oh what a brochure
We developed for our structure
Written by: Oku-ola Paul Abiola
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson
Culture and old belief cannot be forgotten. Be proud of your heritage and blood that flowed through our body. I agree with your thoughts and logic.
People tend to forget the past and chase a doubtful future…not good
This is sad. Africa had great history and opportunity to regain it place in our world. War and terror stop growth and human advancement. I pray for better days.
You forgot CORRUPTION Sir. That is our biggest disease.
Same here in the USA. I teach the young people around me. Once Africa was the center of our world. It should be still. Education and great luck. I pray this world gain balance and become wise once again. We need a President Bill Clinton. He could talk and showed friendship and respect. I hope all is alright with you.
We are trying not to be too worried..but then we should. We have Hitlers as leaders and terrorists running around
Same everywhere. Here in the USA. Federal Government trying to control all things. Using fear and terror to take away freedom. If we don’t stand up for freedom of religion, safety of woman and freedom of choice. One day we will forget what freedom was. I tell people. We will be living in a Mad Max world soon. Men with guns and power control the world. Few words of hope for the poor and needy. We can’t give up. Better to stand for something than to died for nothing.
Yes..We should stand for something.